Sunday, April 21, 2024

The 2014 Pennsylvania Republican Primary Election

The 2014 Pennsylvania Republican Primary Election is on Tuesday, April 23, which is early because of the presidential nomination, although, as usual, the race is no longer competitive by the time Keystone State Republican voters cast their ballots. On the ballot are nominations for President of the United States, U.S. Senate and Representative, half of the seats on the Pennsylvania Senate, all state House seats, and State Attorney General, Treasurer and Auditor General. In some districts, there are ballot questions. As I always do, I urge conservative Republicans not to vote for Donald Trump or candidates endorsed by or supportive of him. There is one presidential nomination candidate, who has declined to endorse Trump, remaining on the ballot, or one may write in any other preference. The large portion of Republican primary voters who have declined to vote for the draft-dodger, serial adulterer, sexual assailant, and corrupt businessman who is sympathetic to foreign authoritarians, including hostile ones, and who has authoritarian proclivities himself, and who is not conservative has sent a message of rejection of Trump and Trumpism. As I have been posting, Trumpism is a populist mix of protectionism, nativism and isolationism, none of which are conservative principles, as Trump has few longstanding ideological beliefs, but is focused mostly on self-promotion and thus is unable to put America’s interests above his own. Trump and Trumpism are therefore a cancer on the conservative movement and a mortal threat to the Republican Party. If the GOP wants to have any chance to return to a winning strategy of promoting conservative principles, it must totally reject Trump and Trumpism, or else continue to suffer general election losses until it does. Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

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