Sunday, May 5, 2024

Foreign Digest: Hungary, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina and Iran

Hungary: The European Parliament recently denounced violations of freedom in Hungary, a member State which is ruled by a self-described “illiberal” nationalist anti-migrant far-right authoritarian government. Cuba and Venezuela: The Organization of American States has accused Communist Cuba of complicity in human rights violations in Socialist Venezuela. It cited witnesses of the participation of Cuban intelligence officers in the illegal detentions, torture and sexual abuse of political prisoners by the Socialist regime. Nicaragua: The Marxist Sandinista regime of Nicaragua has now shut down an updated total of more than 3,600 non-governmental organizations, including charities and religious organizations. The United States Department of State accuses Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela of seizing the goods of exiles. It notes the Sandinista regime has denied citizenship to 300 people, holds 100 political prisoners and forced 250 journalists into exile. As I have posted, a particular target has been the Catholic Church, including Bishops and Priests. Even the center-left Brazilian Government recently criticized the Nicaraguan policy of persecuting the Catholic Church. After the Marxist Sandinista dictator Daniel Ortega returned to power in Nicaragua through elections, he has become increasingly tyrannical and not permitted free and fair elections, or certain other basic freedoms. Argentina and Iran: Argentina requested last week the arrest of the Iranian Interior Minister for a massacre at a Jewish association in the South American State in 1994, in which 85 people were killed. The Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, spreads Shi’ite Islamist revolution around the Islamic world. It has repeatedly targeted Argentina and especially targets Jews.

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