Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy Independence Day! Declare Independence from Tyranny, Power Centralization, Hostile Foreign Election Interference and Aggression

Happy Independence Day! As I usually note, the resolution for independence from the United Kingdom of the Thirteen American Colonies was approved by Continental Congress on July 2, 1776, but the Declaration of Independence was approved on July 4, which has become the date to celebrate the break from the British monarchy, although several of the States had already declared their independence during the American Revolution and the War of American Independence. The British King, who was immune from prosecution for crimes, had tyrannized the British Colonies in North America, thereby violating the freedom that Americans expected as equals to other British subjects who were amply represented in Parliament, unlike the Americans. The Sovereign of the U.K. had also imposed restrictive trade terms that favored Great Britain, in accordance with the system of mercantilism that was replaced in independent America with a freer market and later free trade among the States. As I have noted before, Independence Day is not the celebration of the birthday of the “United States,” as the States did not form a Union until 1789, but the independence of each of the American States, meaning that they were no longer subject to a foreign sovereign, but exercise their own sovereignty. In a period when hostile foreign powers successfully influence elections in America overtly and covertly through propaganda and disinformation and disinformation, as well as by stealing information and publicizing it through cut-outs, and their interference is accepted by a presidential campaign and the fraudulent results accepted and legitimized, as happened when the Russians helped elected Donald Trump President in 2016, it is as important than ever to defend against foreign political and election interference that undermines American independence. And when foreign powers again commit aggression, as the Russian Federation is doing against Ukraine as part of its effort to restore the Soviet Empire, then the principles of independence and sovereignty are under threat globally and must be defended, lest American sovereignty and independence would no longer be recognized by any remaining foreign State who agrees with those principles, if they would all be conquered by hostile imperial powers, and the United States would have no allies and trade partners, as there would be no freedom and prosperity around the world, only empires to impose their rule. Moreover, although the States are in a federal Union, they retain a degree of their sovereignty, but state sovereignty has been eroded by centralized federal power that in the hands of an unaccountable authoritarian demagogue would be further eroded, and the freedom of the people would be threatened both directly and indirectly, as the States are supposed to be checks on federal power, because the Founding Fathers knew all too well from their experience with the British King and his supporters in Parliament how the centralization of power threatens liberty. Americans should declare anew our independence from tyranny, aggression and foreign interference and defend liberty, representative government and the federal Union of sovereign States that shares power, lest no autocracy or oligarchy amass power at the expense of the individual freedom. The American Creed, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal and are intended to live free and that governments must respect their liberty, has not only kept Americans free, but inspired people around the world to demand liberty and will continue to inspire freedom and representative government, as long as it continues to be defended.

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