Sunday, July 21, 2024

Update on the Venezuelan Presidential Election

Thirty former Heads of State across Spain and Latin America have denounced the repression of the ruling Socialists in Venezuela that is preventing the upcoming elections from being fully free and fair, thus jeopardizing representative government and human rights. As I have been posting, the dictatorship has been arresting opposition leaders, closing opposition offices, prosecuting business that are hired by the campaign for basic services, and denying the opposition access to state media. The center-right opposition has united around former Ambassador Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia against the Socialists who have been ruling for over two decades in an increasingly authoritarian manner after being elected freely. The Socialists have banned public gatherings ahead of the Venezuelan presidential election a week from today on July 28. The South American State suffers from inflation, poverty, power outages, corruption, and tyranny, which has caused millions to flee the country. Venezuela is part of what I call the Axis of Rogues, together with Cuba, Russia and Iran, with which it has warm relations, and is unfriendly to the United States.

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