Saturday, May 2, 2009

Blog Hit Report/Thank You for Your Patronage

One month ago, I began to employ a better hit counter,, for this blog. The results have been fascinating and heartening. My blog is attracting more attention than I realized. Also, now I can know why people are attracted to it.

Over that month, over 100 people viewed my blog (about 15 initiated their visit by directly viewing my homepage or after having searched for it, and another nearly 90 after being attracted to particular posts, several of whom also went on to view my blog homepage or other posts), a total of almost 150 times. I am not counting my own visits as hits and only count a multiple visit if it is more than an hour after a previous one. The searches that led people to land on my posts suggest that in many cases my blog provides useful specific information to those seeking it.

The counter has also revealed that several individuals are loyal readers, with multiple visits to my blog. Thank you for your patronage! And thank you for your comments, whether they are posted on my blog or relayed to me directly.

The following are some interesting statistics: My blog has attracted hits from 24 states in the Union and the District of Columbia, as well as 15 foreign states on five continents; in the U.S., the most hits came from NY, CA, FL, PA (even excluding local readers) and NJ; The most foreign hits came from the United Kingdom, Canada and Italy; Readers were attracted to 21 posts, including several from as far back as January, not including those who initiated their visit to my blog on its homepage; The most popular posts, by far, were Father Stanley Jaki, Rest in Peace (with hits from the U.S. and 4 foreign states on 3 continents) and The Rise and Fall of Islamic Civilization (the U.S. and 9 foreign states on 4 continents); Also relatively popular were Lepanto, by GK Chesterton, Freedom of the Seas/Freedom of the Seas Update, Politics and Propaganda: Misused Words, and Clinton Wrong to Compare Sanger to Jefferson; Hits have come from numerous colleges, universities and secondary schools; The most unexpected places where hits came from were the University of California at Berkley and The New York Times, both of which were of Father Stanley Jaki, Rest in Peace; The only hit from a government (other than public schools) was from the Holy See, Vatican City, of Lepanto by GK Chesterton.

Again, thank you, dear readers, for viewing my blog. I hope you are enjoying reading and posting comments to it as much as I am enjoyed posting to it.

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