Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another Reason Holder Must Resign or Be Removed from Office

     In my post last month, U.S. Attorney General Holder Must Resign or Be Removed from Office,, I listed several reasons why United States Attorney General Eric Holder must no longer hold his office. One of the reasons mentioned was his failure to prosecute the New Black Panthers for voter intimidation because the defendants were black and his office’s policy was only to prosecute whites for voter intimidation against certain protected minorities. An additional reason Holder must resign or be fired or impeached proves that the Black Panther case is part of a larger pattern of ignoring election improprieties that benefit Democrats. 

     Holder, in an effort to oppose state laws requiring voter identification, recently was reported to have described voter fraud as “uncommon.” His excuse is that such laws against fraud make it more difficult to exercise the privilege to vote, but what he really means is that such laws make it more difficult for Democrats to cheat.

     Voter fraud, as those of us involved in politics know, is more widespread than many people realize. Although there have only been a few prosecutions against public officials in several states (all against Democrats and their allies), these are sufficient to undermine voter confidence in the results of elections, let alone in the accurate enumeration of the vote totals. As many people have observed, a fraudulent vote negates a legitimate vote; voter fraud dilutes honest voting. Holder’s citation of the statistics of relatively few successful prosecutions ignores the facts that voter fraud is often not aggressively prosecuted, if the perpetrators even get caught in the first place.

     The key is to prevent voter fraud – in a manner that does not disenfranchise honest voters. With improvements in technology and the upholding of state laws requiring voter identification by the U.S. Supreme Court, the old Democratic excuse that laws against voter fraud are targeted against blacks, and thus Democrats, is loosing its effectiveness.

     The Attorney General is charged with the responsibility of enforcing laws, including federal election laws, which the integrity of which is essential for representative government. Eric Holder’s refusal to enforce these laws for partisan reasons disqualifies him from continuing to serve in office.

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