Thursday, March 1, 2012

Rep. Frank Wolfe Proposes to Restore February 22 as a Federal Holiday for Washington's Birthday

     United States Representative Frank Wolfe (R-VA) has proposed to restore George Washingtons Birthday as a federal holiday on February 22 to replace the diluted Presidents Day holiday.

     PresidentsDay – an unofficial name for the federal holiday originally intended to honor Washington – never falls on February 22, Washingtons birthday, but is instead celebrated on the third Monday in February.  In 1971, Congress changed several holidays to Mondays, including Washingtons Birthday.  Wolfe cited the historical precedent of the return of VeteransDay from a Monday to November 11, the date of Armistice Day, the date commemorating the end of the First World War.

     Wolfe expressed concern that the loss of a day honoring the Father of our country contributes to the lack of historical education among American youth today and also relegates the day as a three-day weekend most noted for commercial sales. He notes that Washington is the only president intended to be honored with a federal holiday and that the date was celebrated in Washington’s lifetime – even before the creation of the presidency.  Wolfes proposal, which is supported by the Mount Vernon Association, would honor Washington not only as the greatest American president, but as a soldier and statesman.  

     I have expressed concerns similar to those raised by Wolfe.  See my posts, Presidents Day vs. Washingtons Birthday from February of 2009 and Eliminate the Presidents Day Holiday from February of 2010.  I note that the day is intended to honor Washington for all his contributions to America, not only his presidency.  I also observe that currently the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is the only American honored with a holiday on his birthday (although also celebrated on a Monday, the date can fall on Kings birthday), but not Americas greatest Founding Father. 

     See also my post from February of 2009, George Washington the Great

     I urge my fellow conservatives to join me in support of Wolfes proposal to restore Washingtons Birthday as a federal holiday on February 22, not only because George Washington uniquely deserves a holiday, but to educate all Americans about his greatness and the legacy he has left us, for which we should be most grateful and most vigilant to maintain.

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