Sunday, June 18, 2017

Thoughts on the 2017 Pennsylvania Primary Election

Now that the results were certified last week, I can offer some thoughts on the 2017 Pennsylvania Primary Election. 

I usually post about upcoming elections, including, including Republican primaries in the state, but this time I did not because there were no significant statewide contests on the Republican ballot.  There was only one candidate for each of the single seats on each of the Supreme and Commonwealth Courts.  There was only a contest for Superior Court.  All five of the candidates for the four seats were qualified, conservative and pro-life.  Locally, there were no contests in Reading and in the Berks countywide GOP primary elections except in races in which candidates were eligible for cross-filing (Common Pleas Judge and Magisterial District Judge, but not on the Republican ballot for School Director).    

            Another reason I was not motivated as usual to post about the upcoming Republican primary was because of the Trumpification of the Grand Old Party, including from the local county Republican Committee from which I resigned in August. 

Indeed, these reasons combined to lower voter turnout to an even lower than usual level.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to choose the better and most conservative (especially if they are not overtly Trumpist) candidates for these state, county, magisterial district, municipal and school district offices in the General Election in November, as these offices affect people directly in innumerable ways and the people elected to these offices could be candidates for higher or federal offices in the future. 

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