Wednesday, July 4, 2018

On Independence Day 2018, Americans See Democracy Weakening

As Americans celebrate the 242nd anniversary of the independence of the States, Freedom House,, has issued a new study, the Democracy Project,, which suggests a weakening of democracy in America.

On the positive side, a large majority of Americans do recognize the benefits of liberty and representative government and support equality.  However, a majority of Americans consider democracy in their country to be weak and a larger majority consider it to be getting weaker, with a clear danger of authoritarianism, such as has been rising around the world, even among popularly-elected governments.  A disturbingly significant portion of Americans do not even recognize the benefit of representative government at home, while a majority of Americans do not appreciate the benefit of promoting it abroad, except among those who are better educated. 

The survey was conducted in partnership with the George W. Bush Institute,, and the Penn Biden Center.  

Education, both formally and informally and through public discourse, greater public virtue and certain reasonable political reforms are necessary to increase support for freedom and representative government and to strengthen the institutions meant to safeguard them in order to secure the blessings of liberty for all Americans, now and in the future, as well as to be an example to the rest of the world.

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