Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Seventeenth Anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks on the United States

           Today is the seventeenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks on the United States by al-Qaeda Islamists.

            As always, I am grateful to all the American military, law enforcement and civilian public servants, both elected and appointed, who have contributed to the prevention of any other attack on nearly such a scale on American soil.  The many U.S. allies in the global War on Terrorism have also helped to keep Americans safe.

            Because that awful day in 2001 was also a Tuesday, I am reminded that it was Primary Election Day in New York State and the World Trade Center, which, along with the Pentagon in Virginia, was one of the targets, was a polling place.  The destruction of the Center and the state of emergency called because of the attack necessitated the postponement of the election.  Thus, the massacre was an attack on representative government.  Voting, therefore, is not only an act of liberty, but one of defiance against terrorists, as well as a means to elect officials to continue the necessary work to thwart terrorist plots and prepare for any response to emergencies.  

           May the United States and its allies continue to be vigilant against terrorism and other militant attacks and defeat the terrorists.  May God protect American civilians and servicemen and may God bless America.

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