Thursday, July 4, 2019

May Americans Reassert Their Independence by Deterring Foreign Political Interference

            Happy Independence Day.  As I noted in 2017, it is imperative for Americans to renew their declaration of independence by implementing effective countermeasures to thwart and deter foreign interference in United States politics.

            The Report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that the Russian Federation, led by authoritarian and kleptocrat Vladimir Putin, had engaged in a “sweeping and systematic” attack on American politics, starting in 2014.  This report detailed only a part of the Kremlin’s active measures campaign, as the Special Counsel was focused only on prosecuting crimes.  U.S. intelligence agencies, the Senate Intelligence Committee, security experts and investigative reporters have been gradually uncovering the breadth of the Russian attack that violated the sovereignty and self-determination of Americans and which was effective at undermining confidence in elections and in the truth, dividing Americans against each other and turning many Americans into Russian agents by amplifying propaganda and disinformation or even by organizing or participating in rallies.  The attacks first set the stage for pro-Putin presidential candidates and then were conducted in support of the Russian tyrant’s preferred candidates for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations and ultimately in support of the GOP nominee.  All of these intelligence and security entities warn that the attacks by the Kremlin continue, as similar Russian attacks have been occurring against European States.  They also observe attempts by other hostile foreign attackers and note additional vulnerabilities.  These experts have provided many recommendations for countermeasures.

            One recommendation from U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Homeland Security is for election machines that provide voter-verifiable paper backup to deter hacking by rendering it ineffective at altering the results of voting machines.  The Kremlin active measures campaign included hacking into state and even voting systems and voter rolls.  Although it is not known that any changes were made to voter registrations or if any votes were altered, the attack exposed vulnerabilities and undermined confidence in elections.  Pennsylvania’s Governor has de-certified those voting machines that are vulnerable to hacking and the Commonwealth has appropriated a limited amount of funding to the 67 Counties responsible for conducting elections, many of which are financially unable to bear the additional burden.  The Republicans in the General Assembly, where they are in the majority in both chambers, oppose the Governor’s plan.  The Senate voted to delay its implementation.  Pennsylvania remains one of the few States in the Union, and the largest “battleground” state not to have converted to machines that deter hacking by providing paper backup.

As both federal and state elections are vulnerable and as the matter concerns an attack on the United States by a hostile foreign power, federal funds to help Pennsylvania convert to the voting machines that deter hacking are essential.  I call upon the U.S. to provide adequate funding to States to protect elections from foreign interference and to defend representative government. 

Elections should be the free choice of Americans, not foreign powers, especially hostile authoritarian ones, if the United States of America is to maintain its independence.  May God Bless America.

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