Saturday, May 9, 2020

75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day

           Today is the 75th anniversary of the victory by the Allied Powers over Nazi Germany in 1945 in the Second World War.  Today’s official commemorations of Victory in Europe Day was necessarily inhibited by the coronavirus pandemic, but appropriately the anniversary has been acknowledged by government officials and recalled by veterans, other survivors and people of later times who appreciate their sacrifices to defeat national socialism.

            While international socialism (communism) remains a threat, it is less of one after the Cold War than before, but national socialism (fascism), with which it shares Marxist roots and totalitarian traits, is resurging in various forms around the world.  Therefore, it is especially timely to recall the threat of fascism of tyranny and aggression that caused the deaths of many millions and suffering of countless others. 

            “V-E Day” was not the end of the of the bloodiest war in world history, which started in 1939, as fellow Axis Power Imperial Japan did not surrender until September 2, but it was the defeat of the most powerful Axis military and enabled a greater concentration of Allied forces against the Japanese.

           Let us be grateful for the sacrifices of those who defeated the Nazis and never forget the danger from the evil ideology of national socialism.  

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