Sunday, January 23, 2022

Forty-Ninth Annual March for Life: Equality Begins in the Womb

The 49th annual March for Life was held Friday in Washington, D.C. for the anniversary of the federal overturning of state laws against abortion in 1973. It was attended by tens of thousands of Americans. There will also be associated marches across America, as usual, including in Pennsylvania. This year’s theme was “Equality Begins in the Womb,” to emphasize the equality of all human beings, including the unborn and others who are unable to care for themselves , as fundamental for the respect for the right to life, the most important right. Unlike in recent years, the pro-life was not tainted counterproductively by association with the misogynistic and authoritarian Donald Trump, who was hostile to other innocent life, and was instead focused on legal cases and replacing the Culture of Death with a Culture of Life. May the efforts of the pro-life movement be fruitful.

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