Sunday, February 27, 2022

Measures to Counter Russian Aggression

There are many ways that the United States and its allies should counter Russian aggression against Ukraine and other States, as well as the various Russian rogue behavior that I have enumerated in recent months, as the world is awakening to what I have been trying to warn for years through this blog and elsewhere, that Russia under tyrant Vladimir Putin is the most malign influence in the world. The international community should take the following steps: Provide more aid of very kind to Ukraine, more military support to NATO allies and humanitarian aid to States that take in refugees; conduct cyberattacks against Russia while increasing the diffusion of accurate information to Russians and defending against Russia cyberattacks; the professional media should stop quoting Russian misinformation and there should be limits placed on state-run Russian media; downgrade diplomatic ties to the Russian Federation, limiting contacts only to the bare minimum necessary and stop negotiating with the Putin regime; eject Russia from international bodies, including Interpol; counter Russian mercenaries in Africa and elsewhere; implement harsh economic sanctions and seize the ill-gotten assets of Russian oligarchs while banning Russian acquisition of additional assets; impose travel bans on Russian government officials and oligarchs; close airspace to Russian flights; end cultural exchanges and boycott Russian athletics; Those politicians in the West who had been Pro-Putin should be disgraced and those who were disloyal banned from public life and voting; those politicians whom Putin helped get elected should be permanently barred from public service; ban political parties that receive Russian funding; and pray for the conversion of Russia. Countermeasures should include Belarus, whose pro-Putin tyrant is complicit in Russian aggression.

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