Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Belarus Joins the Axis of Rogues

I have posted a number of times of my observation of the development of what I call the “Axis of Rogues” to describe those States that are tyrannical and anti-Western, and which cooperate with each other to engage in various international misbehaviors, and that work against the United States and its allies and interests, such as against the international order that promises security and freedom for all. These Axis members typically engage in international corruption and illicit arms sales, for example, and they are all either terrorist sponsors or allies of terrorist sponsors. The Russian Federation, Communist China and Islamist Iran are the most troublesome rogue States, as to some degree or another, they prop up the others, namely North Korea, Syria, Cuba and Venezuela. It has now become clear that Belarus, the former Soviet Republic lead by a pro-Russian dictator who is reliant on Russian economic and military support, has become a full-fledged member of the Axis by allowing its soil to be used for Russian forces, led by tyrant Vladimir Putin, for unprovoked aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, it is appropriate that the kind of sanctions being taken against Russia also be taken against Belarus.

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