Sunday, April 3, 2022

Thirteen-Year Blog Visit Report

Thank you for visiting my blog. In the thirteen years since StatCounter began tracking visits to my blog, there have been nearly 7,500, counting them strictly (not including my own visits or those that are obviously automated, or when the page visited is not identifiable, and only counting visits separately if the pageviews of a visitor are more than an hour apart). As I have noticed previously, fewer visits are trackable because of measures taken for privacy, which is why the host of the blog, Blogger, tracks far more pageviews, although with much less specificity than StatCounter. The trend over the last few years continues of visits primarily being to the homepage of my blog, instead of to individual pages. I am grateful to have the opportunity again to post to my blog at a time when the defense of truth, equality, liberty and representative government is most necessary, despite the technical glitch that still prevents spacing and paragraphs. Again, thank you for visiting, etc.

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