Sunday, July 16, 2023

The Conservative Dutch Government Fell Because it Abandoned Conservative Principles

Center-right Dutch coalition Government collapsed recently because the more moderate coalition parties of the long-time conservative Prime Minister objected to his policies against refugees seeking asylum who are fleeing oppression and war. The Premier of the Netherlands, like all-too-many on the right in Europe and America today, was trying to act harshly against migrants to compete with populist anti-migrant far-right nationalist parties, instead of defending human rights as a conservative principle and welcoming people seeking liberty, as well as to make up for the problems of the population shortfall afflicting developed countries. Not only will his executive fall, but he will withdraw from politics. The Dutch will now have to go to the polls early for parliamentary elections on November 22, instead of at the end of the current term in 2025. The Netherlands is an ally of the United States as a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

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