Sunday, October 15, 2023

Conservative Republicans Have Launched “Republicans for Ukraine” to Counter the Pro-Russian Trumpist GOP Wing

A conservative anti-Trump organization has launched a new initiative to counter the pro-Russian Trumpist wing of the Republican Party. Defending Democracy Together has launched Republicans for Ukraine to support continued American military aid for Ukrainian independence, sovereignty and freedom against aggression, war crimes and genocide by the Russian Federation, which had recognized Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity: We're Republicans standing for Ukrainian freedom. - Republicans For Ukraine ( Russia is led by an ex-Soviet intelligence officer who is trying to restore the Soviet Union and who has been interfering in American politics with propaganda and disinformation, which helped Donald Trump win the GOP nomination and the presidency in 2016. The initiative comes at a time when the significant pro-Putin wing of the Republican Caucus in the United States House of Representatives has blocked military aid to Ukraine, even though opposing aggression has been a fundamental principle of American foreign policy and a fundamental principle of conservative foreign policy, and even though far-right Trumpists claim to be defenders of the principle of sovereignty. Conservatives had staunchly opposed the Communist Soviet Union during the Cold War. It is disturbing to many of us conservatives that some who claim to be conservative today would support a tyrannical, aggressive ex-Soviet intelligence officer trying to restore the Soviet Union. But it is an obvious example of how Trumpism is anathema to conservatism. As I have posted, there have been numerous organizations formed by Republicans and conservatives and various initiatives to counter Trump and Trumpism, a populist mix of protectionism, nativism, isolationism, deception, corruption, disloyalty, cruelty and authoritarianism. These organizations stand for true conservative principles of liberty, morals, civic virtue, the free market, and a strong defense.

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