Sunday, November 5, 2023

The 2023 General Election in Pennsylvania and Across America

Pennsylvania holds its 2023 General Election on Tuesday, November 7 for election to statewide judicial, county, magisterial district judge, municipal and school director offices. Some other States across America hold statewide or local elections. As usual, there are some true conservative candidates on the Republican ballot in Pennsylvania and other States or seeking election as write-in candidates and Trumpists, who believe in a populist mix of protectionism, nativism, isolationism, cruelty, and authoritarianism, as typified by Donald Trump, the dominant GOP figure, who is known for his deception, corruption, and disloyalty. Conservative Republicans, Democrats or those who are non-partisan, or third party should seek those candidates who publicly reject Trump and Trumpism, or else write in a preferred candidate. Conservatives should consider writing in themselves, if necessary. A second-best option that is not unreasonable, is to choose the least Trumpist candidate versus those who are the most Trumpist, but this approach fails to reject Trumpism as thoroughly as it must be for the Republican Party to be restored to its principles and thus match its platform. Republican candidates for these offices should be expected to stand for equality, liberty, limited government, honesty, fiscal responsibility, toughness on crime, and civic responsibility. There is at least one high-profile such candidate in the Keystone State, namely former Philadelphia City Councilman David Oh, who is seeking election as Mayor of the City of Brotherly Love. As the son of Korean immigrants, the pro-immigration Oh is especially hated by bigoted Trumpists who reject even refugees following the legal process of seeking asylum, in contrast to conservative principles of balancing security with welcoming those who most appreciate liberty and whose contributions to America are needed. There are also referendums on the ballot in some Pennsylvania municipalities, as is usual in other States. Polls are open in Pennsylvania from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

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