Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas, 2024!

Merry Christmas! On this Feast of the Nativity of Jesus, let us celebrate that God, Who became man, was born in a humble manner to be like us in all things but sin. As the Father sent His Son to be our Savior, Christ the King, who is above every kingdom, empire, or other earthly power, is the model of a lord who is the servant of His people, sacrificing Himself in love. May our leaders imitate Jesus in serving the people they are entrusted to serve, and may the people exercise holiness both in their entrustment of temporal power to their earthly leaders and toward one another as God’s children, and as the Holy Family had to seek refuge in another country, especially toward refugees. And may Christians around the world particularly fraternally support their Brothers in Christ in the Holy Land.

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