Thursday, January 22, 2009

Historical Farewell Addresses

I would be remiss if I neglected to comment on George W. Bush's farewell presidential address. Clearly, he is secure in the knowledge that he has done the right things in keeping us safe from another terrorist attack without sacrificing our liberty, as well as in his other policies.

George Washington gave the first farewell address, but the tradition was not revived until Dwight Eisenhower. Only two-term presidents have given them thus far.

Washington's was memorable for his warning against permanent alliances and Eisenhower's for warning about the military-industrial complex. Ronald Reagan used his farewell address to exhort parents to inculcate patriotism in their children.

George W. Bush's farewell address will be memorable for warning against letting our guard down against terrorists and against the temptation to isolationism and protectionism.

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