Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Cinfici's Column in National Review

A column I wrote was published in National Review about the proposal by Pennsylvania state legislators to audit the results of the 2020 General Election in the Keystone State that the Trump-Pence ticket lost by over 81,000, based on an unfounded conspiracy theory that there was fraud in the counting of votes: I argue there is real fraud in myriad forms that Republicans would be better served focusing on, instead of further undermining voters' confidence in elections which is one of the goals of Russian tyrant and ex-Soviet intelligence officer Vladimir Putin, who has been interfering in American politics. I note that various Republicans, like federal judges, Philadelphia's elections commissioner and members of Congress found no evidence of fraud or other errors. I express the concern that the Democrats, who undermined confidence in voters after the 2000 Election, despite a lack of evidence of fraud or other irregularities, could use the audit as a precedent to challenge future certifications of the elections of Republicans, with an audit based on a baseless theory of fraud and caution against the kind of unprofessional audit that Arizona Republicans are conducting that is dividing the party and damaging its image and provide basic guidelines at least to avoid those problems. I urge the GOP to focus on real fraud instead of on an unfounded theory that distracts from real fraud and undermines their credibility.

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