Sunday, August 4, 2024

Anti-Trump Conservative Republican United States Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington Is Facing Trumpist GOP Primary Challengers

Dan Newhouse, a conservative Republican United States Representative from Washington is one of two remaining GOP members of the House who voted to impeach Donald Trump for insurrection in 2021. Ten Republican House members impeached Trump and 7 GOP Senators voted to convict him after Trump incited a violent mob to attack the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the congressional certification of the votes of the Electoral College for his opponent, based on false and disproven allegations of election fraud in the 2020 General Election for the Electors for President and Vice President. The votes were the most bipartisan in the history of presidential impeachments. The pro-life and pro-right to keep and bear arms Newhouse was the only pro-impeachment Republican House member to seek reelection and survive a Trumpist primary challenge in 2022. This year, the longtime Congressman is facing two Trumpist challengers on Tuesday August, 6 in the Republican Primary Election, including one endorsed by Trump. As I have been posting, the demagogic, disloyal and unfit Trump, who has non-conservative views and authoritarian tendencies, is a cancer on the conservative movement and a mortal threat to the Republican Party. He and his supporters must be defeated at every opportunity in GOP primary elections, as well as in general elections, and Trumpism (populist protectionism, isolationism, and nativism) must be completely vanquished for there to be any restoration of the party and advancement of true conservative principles.

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