Sunday, August 4, 2024

Foreign Digest: Hungary, Georgia, and Lebanon

Hungary: Hungary announced last week that it is making it easier for Russians to acquire visas. The European Union expressed concern that it opens the door to espionage, especially considering the visa-free travel within the EU. Russian Federation agents have also attacked and even killed exiles in Europe and have been conducting sabotage against European States opposed to Russian aggression against Ukraine. As I have been posting, Hungary is led by a far-right anti-migrant autocratic President who is pro-Russian. Georgia: Georgia The United States suspended aid to Georgia last week over its foreign agents law that criminalizes professional media and non-governmental organizations that receive a certain percentage of funds from abroad. The unpopular law is modeled on one in Russia that has been used to repress opponents of the tyrannical Russian regime. The former Soviet Republic of Georgia was invaded by Russia in 2008 and still maintains troops there, but the current Georgian Government has been moving closer to the Russian orbit, contrary to the wishes of Georgians. Lebanon: Lebanon Israel killed the longtime military leader of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shi’ite Lebanese terrorist organization in an attack in Beirut, the capital of Lebanon last week. He was the most wanted terrorist in the world and had murdered many, including Americans in Lebanon in 1983. His killing is a significant victory against terrorism and militant Islamism.

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