Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Update: Pro-Impeachment Conservative Republican U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse Will Advance to the General Election Versus a Trumpist

United States Representative Dan Newhouse, a Republican of Washington, received one of the two nominations in the non-partisan primary for re-election, along with a Trumpist Republican who was one of two Republican candidates in the primary endorsed by Donald Trump. The longtime conservative Congressman is one of two remaining GOP House members out of 10 who voted to impeach Trump for leading an insurrection against Congress, which was certifying the votes of the Electoral College, based on his lies that his Electors had won the 2020 presidential election. It was the most bipartisan presidential impeachment in American history, as was the votes of the Senate for conviction by 7 Republican Senators, although the result was short of the required two-thirds majority. Several of the pro-impeachment GOP members of both chambers had opted not to seek re-election, but while several of the Republican Senators who voted to convict Trump are still serving their six-year terms, the only other pro-impeachment Representative beside Newhouse is David Valadao of California, who was not challenged in the GOP primary. In Washington’s “jungle” primary, in which candidates of any party compete, the two candidates who receive the most votes will be on the ballot for the General Election in November. Because the district has many more Republicans, the result was not surprising. Newhouse will rely on Democrats, independents and third-party members, including many moderates or conservatives who fled the party because of Trump and Trumpism, to win re-election.

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