Sunday, August 25, 2024

Follow-up Thoughts on Donald Trump’s Weakening of the Republican Platform on the Right to Life

I had posted last month about how Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had weakened the GOP’s Platform on the right to life, which no longer includes a call for a constitutional amendment to defend this most basic human right, among other changes: Donald Trump Dilutes the Republican Platform's Pro-Life Language, But I wanted to place the dilution of the platform language within the larger context of Trump’s inconsistency, in which he sometimes opposes protecting — or is even hostile to — innocent human life. When he held the presidency, Trump’s nativist policies prevented refugees fleeing for their lives or liberty from seeking asylum in America or sent refugees who had made it to United States soil legally to their deaths through deportation. Trump pardoned a war criminal who had been convicted in a military court for murdering innocent civilians. He praised the policy of the populist President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, “the Filipino Trump,” of calling for citizens to kill other citizens whom they suspected of being drug dealers, which, in practice, led to the murder of innocent people. And those are only the examples of Trump’s hostility to innocent human life that he was able to implement, unlike, for example, his campaign statement that the family members of terrorists be murdered, or any of the other illegal and immoral proposals his former staff say he routinely would make, but which they were able to avoid having to carry out. There are additional examples of his inhumanity or callous disregard for life. The demagogic Trump deported migrants who had been judged to be in America illegally, but who were not a threat, even when their deportation would lead to their certain deaths, instead of making a reasonable exception to protect human lives, but he granted asylum to a family from Germany, which is a free country. Another example is Trump’s ban on travel from predominately Muslim States barred entry even to organ donors. While the liberal Democratic Party is pro-abortion, the Republican Party, though at least somewhat anti-abortion, is failing to contrast itself with a consistently pro-human life platform or presidential and vice presidential ticket. As I have posted before, the association of the pro-life movement with the misogynistic authoritarian Trump undermines the pro-life message of respect for life for love of all human beings and for liberty.

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