Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monthly Blog Hit Report

I am pleased to report that in the two months since I installed my blog's new counter, Statcounter.com, my blog has received nearly 320 hits. Almost 20 people visited my blog directly or after searching for my name, while nearly 220 others landed on my blog after searches led them to various posts.

Readers were attracted to my blog by 34 posts, including several from as far back as January, not including those who visited my blog homepage directly. Several of these readers also viewed my blog homepage or went on to view other posts, including several in addition to the 34 posts upon which they landed.

Hits have come from 34 states and the District of Columbia, as well as 26 foreign states on six continents! The most hits in the United States have come from California, New York, New Jersey and Florida. The most foreign hits have come from the United Kingdom, Canada and Malaysia.

My blog's most popular post has been The Rise and Fall of Islamic Civilization (with hits from the U.S. and 14 foreign states on 4 continents), which has recieved over 70 total hits. The next most popular posts have been Father Stanley Jaki, Rest in Peace, Obama Did Not Inherit the Economy From Bush; The Economy, Deficit and Debt at George W. Bush’s Inauguration and Lepanto, by GK Chesterton.

In addition to the hits from the Holy See and the New York Times mentioned in my first monthly blog hit report, since then other interesting hits came from JP Morgan Chase, the Faculty of Advocates, the Province of British Columbia and the U.S. House of Representatives. Hits have also continued to come from numerous secondary schools, colleges and universities.

Thank you for visiting my blog, dear readers, especially those who are Followers, or who post comments, or have passed along comments to me externally from my blog. I appreciate your support!

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