Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Rest in Peace

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, died recently at the age of 88. She was the wife of Sargent Shriver, whom President Kennedy named as the first head of the Peace Corps and who was the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee in 1972. Their daughter, Maria, is currently the First Lady of California.

Eunice Shriver was famous in her own right as the foundress of the Special Olympics, having been inspired by her sister Rose's struggle with mental disability. Her belief in the dignity of all human beings, which was in accordance with her Catholic faith, was reflected in her support of children who are mentally or physically disabled, whom the Special Olympics has been spectacularly successful in cherishing. Unlike some in her family, Eunice Kennedy Shriver was consistent in her belief, for she remained ardently pro-life.

May her soul rest in peace and may her legacy continue to inspire respect for all human life.

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